Girteka step ahead of competitors in the digitalization of customer touchpoints - Girteka - Responsible Logistics

Girteka step ahead of competitors in the digitalization of customer touchpoints


Girteka, the largest asset-based transportation company in Europe, is on its path toward digitalized future. One example is real-time tracking and visibility of its trucks, which was recently awarded best in a group of large transportation companies for the second year in a row.

Information is a winning factor

In everyday life, we seek instant information. When ordering goods, we are looking for couriers to deliver them on time. This is no other than in business, where those kinds of information are even more valuable. Proper information delivered in real-time about transport can not only influence decisions but also helps many producers optimize their production and supply chain flows and increase effectiveness.

“We are continuously striving for excellence in tailoring our services in terms of best blend of customers experience and creating right digital touchpoints. Today’s all precious cargo delivered under our group brands share core information via real-time visibility solutions. Data as we know is a new asset in striving for operational excellence at both ends and we enable this to happen for the benefit of the industry. Winning an award in this category positions us  as strongly as leaders in the industry and I am very grateful for Girteka employees involved into this work and displaying excellence,” says Martynas Sarapinas, Chief Information Officer, Girteka.

Sustainabilty is the driving force

Girteka has been awarded also the second price in the category “Most Sustainable Carriers” of the Transporeon Top Carrier Award 2022. This is confirmation of achievements of the next step on Girteka’s road to a fully digitalized company, where sustainability defines direction.

Responsible Logistics is not only the quality and professionalism of services, but it is also taking care of the environment and our influence on it. Sustainability is not only defining the direction of investments but also how we work and do daily. It is sometimes small steps for every one of us, but gathering together the outcome can be enormous. That is exactly what is happening today in Girteka and what have been acknowledged and awarded by Transporeon.

“Sustainability is part of our core strategy pillars. We are working on that every day. Everyone in our company understands how crucial for the sector is to reduce its carbon footprint. And with that approach, we are meeting our customers’ needs, and delivering them sustainable, high-quality logistics services. Award from Transporeon only proves it,” comments Pavel Kveten, Chief Operating Office, Girteka Europe West.

Solutions that help

Transporeon is Europe’s leading Transportation Management Platform that powers that largest global freight network of shippers, carriers, LSPs, and retailers. It is an ecosystem to move, manage and monitor freight, where all participants of the supply chain are interconnected. The cloud-based platform is fully equipped to meet modern supply chain needs and handle all challenges faced by logistics professionals. Transporeon runs, integrates and connetcts multiple applications into one logical platform, offering best-in-class solutions for all the parties and solving specific freight problems.

Transporeon’s Top Carrier Award is a leaderboard of the most successful logistics companies in the world.

“While the logistics industry talks about the importance of sharing data the reality often falls short. We´re very pleased to see Girteka isn´t only using data to drive better decisions on its own, but is sharing them within their network in order to cooperate based on data and hard facts rather than hopes and promises. In that sense I´d like to congratulate Girteka for winning the Transporeon Carrier Award in this category already twice in sequences. Considering they are competing with a total of 145.000 carriers in this category this achievement cannot be overestimated,” says Serge Schamschula, Senior Partner Manager, Transporeon.