Report possible violations - Girteka - Responsible Logistics

Report possible violations

Girteka Whistleblowing: Speak Up, Do What’s Right

We are committed to fostering a culture of transparency and integrity. Our whistleblowing service is your secure platform to voice concerns about suspected wrongdoing that could harm our people, our organization, society, or the environment.

Why Report?

By raising your concerns, you help us:

  • Prevent harm: Early detection and reporting can stop misconduct before it escalates.
  • Uphold ethical standards: Reporting shows your commitment to doing what is right.
  • Protect our values: Transparency is key to maintaining a trustworthy and responsible business.
  • Build a better future: Your voice makes a difference in creating a safe and ethical workplace.

How to Report

You have multiple options to report your concerns:

External Channel:

  • Report anonymously: Use our secure, third-party platform, WhistleB. This channel is accessible on any device and allows for anonymous reporting and dialogue:

Internal Channels:

  • In person: Visit our company office.
  • By mail: Send a letter to Laisvės pr. 36, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • By phone: Call +370 5 2177396


Your Rights and Protection

  • Confidentiality: All reports are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
  • Anonymity: You can choose to remain anonymous when using the WhistleB platform.
  • Legal Protection: You are protected under the Whistleblower Protection Acts of EU and Lithuanian law.
  • No Retaliation: Girteka Group guarantees that no adverse action will be taken against you for reporting in good faith.

Learn More

We Value Your Voice

Your courage in speaking up helps us maintain the highest ethical standards. We are committed to ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all who come forward.