Girteka's Forward-Thinking Culture Through the Journey of IT Project Management Specialist - Girteka - Responsible Logistics

Girteka’s Forward-Thinking Culture Through the Journey of IT Project Management Specialist



Logistics is rapidly changing. Not only due to the core principles of the market itself, but also due to the process of transformation that most of logistics companies are undergoing nowadays. This change is driven by sustainability issues and digitalization. In this ever-evolving environment, being adaptable and maintaining a constant thirst for knowledge are indispensable traits. One such dynamic personality who embodies these qualities is Monika Treikė, a Project Management Process Specialist at Girteka. With her captivating charm and relentless curiosity, she paves her path in a world driven by transformation and innovation. Monika’s unique personality is a harmonious blend of curiosity and humour. “I do not care about things that are irrelevant, and I care about things I should care about,” she candidly shares. This mindset ensures that Monika channels her energy into endeavours that truly matter to her.


Monika’s approach to her role as a Project Management Process Specialist at Girteka is characterized by flexibility, innovation, and an openness to fresh ideas. She constantly seeks for new approaches, solutions and ways to implement them inside company. “My working day may formally start in the morning and end in the evening, but the best ideas and solutions often come to me right before I go to bed,” she reveals.


Engagement and Efficiency at the Core of Growth


Girteka’s success as a leading logistics company in Europe stems from a culture that values employee engagement, efficiency, and a results-oriented approach. This is reflected in how the company acknowledged Monika’s dedication and consistent quest for excellence, nominating and awarding her with the prestigious title of “Colleague of the Year”. This recognition not only highlights her exceptional contributions but also serves as a testament to Girteka’s commitment to recognizing and nurturing talent.

A company’s growth is directly linked to the dedication and hard work of employees like Monika, who tirelessly aim for the best results. It is a company that respects and values results-driven work and encourages continual self-improvement, creating a work culture that celebrates the success of all its employees.

Girteka actively supports the personal and career growth of its employees. The company provides a variety of learning opportunities, such as seminars and courses, that are aimed at promoting lifelong learning and career progression. This commitment to fostering talent and encouraging continuous development has helped Girteka carve its niche as a major player in the logistics industry.

To Monika, the cornerstone of successful project management is communication. “Even the best methodology pales before good communication,” she states. This belief further emphasizes the modern work culture at Girteka, where open communication and clarity are held in high regard.


Curiosity, Learning and Adaptability


Monika’s curiosity is her driving force, her motivation to continually learn and explore beyond the known. “Curiosity helps me to strive for more at work: to see what is next, what is beyond, what is to come, and that is what really drives me forward,” she affirms. Observing others and learning from their experiences, she believes, is the key to personal growth.


The logistics world is marked by constant change and innovation, making lifelong learning essential. Monika’s career at Girteka encapsulates this ethos. “I have certainly had many learning opportunities during the past three years: there have been all kinds of courses, there have been seminars, but still: the best development came from working with people,” she reveals.


Her journey at Girteka exemplifies the company’s commitment to providing a nurturing and growth-oriented environment for its employees. “What I like about Girteka is that I can constantly improve and meet people from whom I also learn,” Monika comments. This testimony highlights Girteka’s dedication to fostering a modern way of work that values adaptability, constant learning, and the gathering of knowledge and know-how.


At the heart of Girteka’s work culture is the belief in open communication, which Monika pinpoints as the cornerstone of successful project management. This transparency encourages the exchange of ideas, fostering a dynamic work environment where employees can learn from each other and grow.